
来源: 2010-12-11 22:47:44 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


儿子五岁,在上kindergarten.一直以来感觉对学校和老师都很满意。昨天突然受到老师的-封email质问关于儿子在学校和其他小朋友讨论Santa。儿子在上kindergarten之前就已经realize没有Santa。可能是我们的保密工作没有做好, 加上儿子在上preschool时有小朋友告诉没有Santa。后来,我们就也没有刻意强求,谁知儿子在学校与其它小朋友讨论这个问题,引起老师强烈不满。下面是老师给家长的信(原封不动,姓名隐去)。 请有经验的家长帮忙支招看该怎样回应才好。我们尽力跟儿子解释,有些话不好随便讲。可儿子似乎很难明白究竟做错了啥。为啥不可以说真话。好为难。周一送儿子上学,也不知该怎样跟老师交流。


I just wanted to touch base with you about something that happened today and to ask for your help.

Today a spontaneous discussion started between the Ks about Santa.  As the conversation progressed, XX proceeded to tell the other Ks that there was no Santa and that moms and dads are the ones who buy the presents not Santa.  Of course, as his parents you may tell him whatever you want.  I told XX to stop saying what he was saying, but he continued.  I was trying to stop the conversation before anyone's feelings got hurt.  I had to pull him aside and explain to him that people are allowed to believe what they want to believe and that he is allowed to believe what he wants to believe, but we CANNOT tell other people what they can and cannot believe in.  The children in our class believe in Santa, their parents, at this point, want them to believe in Santa and it is not up to Ryan to make them into di*****elievers.


I have tried to stop any conversations about Santa from occurring, for just this reason.  I am hoping that you can help me, by explaining to him that although he may not believe in Santa, there are other children who do and that they are allowed to believe.  Please tell him that we are not going to be having conversations about Santa at school.  


Thanks for your help with this.
Have a good weekend.