
来源: May1995 2010-09-21 19:52:28 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2268 bytes)
第二天是个星期五, 苏眉一大早来到办公室, 查看昨天晚上Scott的交易记录.

昨天做错的位置基本都平掉了, 而且价格掌握得也非常好, Scott在这种关键时候又一次显示了一个老交易员的实力. 苏眉粗粗计算下, 这个事故总起来算, 并没有给基金带来太严重的后果, 损失不到0.2%.

Jeff告诉她, Scott已经把Sally的交易职权取消, 通知她暂时休假不要到公司来. 自己也到公司的纪律部门做了汇报, 技术部很快会送Sally当天晚上的交易录音来.

下午快收盘的时候, 在家里休息的Scott打电话来:”May, May I ask you out for a drink after work?”

“You and me? Maybe you want Jeff too?”

“No, just you and me.”Scott毫不犹豫.

苏眉拿起台子上另外一只电话请示于飞, 于飞很痛快:”没问题. 我今天不忙, 现在回家带儿子. 你多玩儿吧.”

5点多, 苏眉和穿着牛仔裤和T衫的Scott在楼下常去的一个酒吧里见了面. 要了啤酒, 两个人坐在吧台前.

“Scott, you did a great job last night, as always.” 苏眉真诚地说. Scott是个栗色头发棕色眼睛的白人, 面容粗犷, 总带着一副不太耐烦的神气, 和金发碧眼, 表情自矜的Chris很不一样.

“May, how many years have we worked together?”

“5 years.”苏眉忽然失声笑了. 时间真是快啊, 5年都过去了, 可是为什么她还是觉得和这个爱骂人的同事之间好象隔了一堵墙, 相知甚少?

“Yes, 5 years. You joined us when my little David was born. Now, David is 5 years old, ready for his kindergarten. And after David I have Kyle and Joseph.”


“They are so adorable!”苏眉笑. Scott家楼梯登一样排开的四个英俊男孩, 人见人爱.

“Thank you. They are costly too!” Scott又要了一杯酒:”Judy wants a daughter badly. I told her the fifth will mean bankruptcy.”

“no, Scott. You are kidding me.”苏眉拍拍他的后背:”you are a star trader, you are rich.”

“I am not.” Scott诚实地说:”Judy gets everything on top of the line for the kids: from private school, vacation to birthday party, to computer, everything! You name it. That is not good for kids. Judy agreed with me, but she can’t stop doing that.” Scott的太太出身大富之家.

Scott大周末叫她出来不是为发牢骚吧? 苏眉对他的家事不想做任何评论.

“Judy is not like you. May. You wear this same tote throughout the summer.”Scott冲苏眉的GUCCI包努了努嘴: She has a closet of these things.”

苏眉脸红了:”Yes, you are correct. I am very out.”


顶!期待下集! -青柏- 给 青柏 发送悄悄话 青柏 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/21/2010 postreply 20:31:41



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