习惯用语:Jump Start & One Jump Ahead (音频文字)

来源: 2010-09-08 06:33:13 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

习惯用语:Jump Start & One Jump Ahead (音频文字) VOA (ZT)

Jump显然是个忙碌勤恳的单词,它发展成不少习惯用语,前两次已经讲了好几个。今天还要学两个。第一个习惯用语是: jump start。 这里的start原是起动某种机械装置的意思,而jump start原意是如果一辆汽车上的电池没电汽车发动不了了,就可以用两根电缆线把没电的电池和另一辆汽车上的好电池相连,帮助这辆汽车起动这就叫jump start,也就是跨接起动而这两根电线就称为跨接电缆线,英文是jump cables。听个例子吧,里面的 jump start 就是这个意思:

例句-1:Last night Bill drove his girlfriend to a movie and forgot to turn his headlights off. After the movie he found his battery was dead so he had to phone me to come and give him a jump start.


这里的give him a jump start意思是跨接起动他的车。


近年来jump start常被借用作比喻意义,而跟汽车的起动无关了。我们听个例子来体会习惯用语jump start究竟是什么意思。这段话说的是一位市长怎样解决市内道路年久失修、路面坑坑洼洼的问题。

例句-2:The city didn't have enough money to fix the streets so the mayor borrowed money from the state highway fund to give a jump start to an emergency project to fill the potholes.


这位市长临时借用州内高速公路的经费以便立即动手开展整修市内路面的规划。所以这里的give a jump start to something意思就是利用经费等资源,立即推动某一事情的开展。


今天要学的第二个习惯用语是: one jump ahead。 Ahead意思是‘在前面’,所以one jump ahead,从字面意思来看就是向前跳一步,但是习惯用语one jump ahead表示什么意思呢?我们听个例子来体会吧。


例句-3:This man kept one jump ahead of the law for two years by moving to a new city every two months. But the FBI caught up with him in Chicago and took him back to New York to stand trial.


这人有两年时间得以逍遥法外,是因为他不断赶在警方追捕人员之前转移潜伏地点,可见这段话里的one jump ahead意思是赶在某人或者某组织之前抢先行动而占了上风。


我们再听个也用了one jump ahead这个习惯用语的例子这段话说的是汽车销售业。在这个行业内竞争的激烈简直达到了你死我活的程度。我们马上要听到一个汽车经销商在对手下的推销员讲话。他的竞争对手抢走了他不少生意。他正告诉手下人自己打算怎样吸引更多的顾客。

例句-4:Hey, we have to find some way to get one jump ahead of that Ford dealer down the street. Maybe we should offer free gas for a year to people who buy a car before the end of the month.


这里的to get one jump ahead of someone意思也是先发制人、抢占某人的上风。

Words and Phrases

1. jump start
原意是如果一辆汽车上的电池没电汽车发动不了了,就可以用两根电缆线把没电的电池和另一辆汽车上的好电池相连,帮助这辆汽车起动这就叫jump start.

2. jump cable

例句:Last night Bill drove his girlfriend to a movie and forgot to turn his headlights off. After the movie he found his battery was dead so he had to phone me to come and give him a jump start.

3. give a jump start to something

:The city didn't have enough money to fix the streets so the mayor borrowed money from the state highway fund to give a jump start to an emergency project to fill the potholes.

4. to get one jump ahead of someone

例句:Hey, we have to find some way to get one jump ahead of that Ford dealer down the street. Maybe we should offer free gas for a year to people who buy a car before the end of the month.


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