习惯用语:flip side & flip out(音频文字)

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习惯用语:flip side & flip out(音频文字)VOA (ZT)

今天要讲的习惯用语有这样一个共同的关键词: flip。 Flip这个词有多种不同的意思,而且既可以是动词也可以是名词。当flip作动词的时候有一种意思是急促而突然地翻动。比方说: the boiling water in the pot flipped out its lid, 锅里沸腾的水掀翻了锅盖。

我们今天要学的第一个习惯用语就是: flip out。 习惯用语flip out其实就是借用在火上满锅沸腾的水和蒸气往上直冲掀翻锅盖的画面,来形象地比喻人怒火中烧,以致按捺不住失去了控制。

其实习惯用语flip out还有一种形式就是: flip one's lid。 Lid是盖子,flip one's lid要是直译也是掀翻了盖子。它也用来描绘人怒气直冲、失去自制。 Flip out和flip one's lid,起先出现在二十世纪四十年代早期的电影或者杂志上,随后逐渐融会到日常生活的语言中。


例句-1:Look at this! I spent days on this paper and even paid a graduate student to help me, and this stupid professor gives me a 'D'! Man. I'll flip out if I can't get at least a 'C' in this course.

他说:瞧瞧这个!我在这篇文章上花了几天时间,甚至还花钱雇了位研究生来帮我,而这个笨蛋教授竟然让我得'D'! 哼,我这门功课至少要拿个'C',要不,我会闹翻天。

这里的习惯用语flip out意思就是怒不可遏地吵闹。


当一个人flip out或者flip his lid, 他甚至会愤怒得仿佛失去了理智。我们再听个例子, 这段话在说Mickey有一天走出家门发现他的汽车竟然被偷走了。这下他可真是暴跳如雷了:

例句-2:Did you see Mickey when he saw his car was gone? He totally flipped out - he was hopping around like a crazy man, screaming and yelling out in the middle of the street.

他说:你见到Mickey发现自己丢车时的那模样吗?他简直是失去理智了- 在大街中心象疯子似地暴跳如雷、尖声喊叫。

这里的flip out意思还是激怒得几乎失去理智。


今天要学的第二个习惯用语是: flip side。 这里flip成了名词了,意思是反面或者次要的一面, 而flip side原来是指唱片的反面的。要是唱片的正面录制了一首热门的流行乐曲的话,唱片的反面往往会录上一些听众反应平平的并不引起轰动的乐曲。当然作为习惯用语flip side不再指唱片的另一面了。下面有个例子,我们听听flip side在这段话里表示什么。

例句-3:It's fantastic that the President has planned to balance the budget and give Americans a tax break. But the flip side is that students just coming out of college are getting the least tax break of all.

他说:总统已经打算要平衡预算并且给予美国人税额优惠。 但是刚从大学毕业的学生得到的税额优惠却比谁都少。

这段话说了总统减税计划的两方面。一方面广大美国人民都能享受有关优惠,而另一方面,刚毕业的大学生从中得到的好处却少于任何人。 The flip side在这里放在这两种情况之间,显然用来表示语气的转折,导出相对方面,作用相当于on the other hand.


再听个例子也应用了习惯用语flip side,说话的人得到了新的工作机会,正在权衡利弊:

例句-4:The new job would pay me twice as much money as I make now, The flip side is the family would have to move across the whole country and my wife and kids sure don't like that idea.

他说: 那份新工作的薪金比我目前的多一倍,然而另一方面,为此我们全家人却不得不跨越整个美国迁居到那一边去。我太太和孩子绝对不喜欢那主意。

这里的the flip side也是用来引导问题的相对方面的,作用相当于on the other hand.

Words and Phrases

1. flip out

例句:Look at this! I spent days on this paper and even paid a graduate student to help me, and this stupid professor gives me a 'D'! Man. I'll flip out if I can't get at least a 'C' in this course.

2. flip side
问题的相对方面,作用相当于on the other hand

例句:The new job would pay me twice as much money as I make now, The flip side is the family would have to move across the whole country and my wife and kids sure don't like that idea.

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