
来源: 2013-12-22 17:51:54 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:



从《恰似你的温柔》一路走来的蔡琴至今被众多 歌迷喜爱,仍以她低沉优雅的嗓音在歌坛一枝独秀。我最喜欢蔡琴妙語如珠的口才和韻味十足的歌聲。




蔡琴人生路坎坷, 她曾与台湾著名导演, 因肝癌已经离世的前夫杨德昌有过整整10年的无性婚姻。

  1984年,杨德昌因拍摄电影《青梅竹马》结识蔡琴,一年后两人喜结良缘。杨德昌在结婚时提出“无性婚姻”的想法, 蔡琴也同意了。两人同居一室,却不同床而卧,有夫妻之名,却无夫妻之实。婚后,蔡琴做了杨德昌的沙龙女主人,把文学艺术圈子里的能人们招为座上客,为杨德昌的电影事业做了充分准备,并时不时在他的电影里客串个小角色、唱首主题歌,甚至担任美工。于是有了作为 “台湾新电影”主将的杨德昌。期间,杨德 昌不时有绯闻传出。10年的无性的婚姻后,杨德昌终于向蔡琴摊牌:他有了外遇。1995年,蔡琴和杨德昌结束了10年的婚姻。




2007年7yue, 杨德昌逝世的消息传来后,蔡琴发表公开信,字里行间流露出对前夫离世的不舍及悲痛:“电视播了一整天,我也看了一整天;杨德昌就这么走了……
这个时候,叫我说什么?说什么也说不清楚我的五味杂陈……一阵强烈而尖锐的刺痛,才刺醒了我的感 觉!深埋在我心底,长久不愿再去回想曾经对他的记忆,突地袭上来;我脱口轻喊出一句:杨德昌,你怎么可以这样就走了呢?”



Sorry I cannot type Chinese at this moment, can only copy pieces of message from internet and put them together to complete the story above. Cai Qin is my favorite Taiwan female singer. I love her voice and personality, she is perfect as a singer and as a girl. She was and has been smart, and wise, why did she love that a man who made use of her reputation and help to develop his professional career, but did not love her? As a female, how precious it is between 27 and 37 years old?



In his last years, Yang  suffered from cancer.  Some people said, Cai Qin still loved him until he died. “当知道今生的挚爱杨德昌已经去了天国,蔡琴默默的在心里说,昌哥,如果可以重来,我不要无性婚姻 !”



Not loving a girl is nothing wrong, however, making use of her reputation and help, and wasting her 10 years youth is definitely a big shame. Unfortunately, some girls can never get out of the illusion they made for themselves, locking themselves in the illusion, and live miserably all the life. If a man does not love a woman, there is no way to change his mind in most cases. So don't try to change him, change yourself once you find out you can never walk into his love castle.