十粒米全投入RE?? 魔力?

来源: 2008-05-05 22:05:43 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
if you invest in peak time of housing price, you will lose at least 30% now.

it still depends on timing,If you invest in those RE good school district such as cupertino in bay area, your net cash flow is negative.

if you invest in money market und, you will at least get 2.5% in current market, and at least got 60W in last year when interest rate still held around 5-6%.

Eventually, it is not that investing in RE that can guarantee free money of 50w,(any other investments can get that return too) but that you need to have the hard earned 10Million first....

"with 10 million, 钱是耒找你的,或者说待在家里(或躺
在夏威夷的沙滩上)照样收钱,无需劳心、劳力、起早贪黑的忙碌。" If I had 10 million, I will just retire and travel around world, even don't bother about investments, RE....

it is more about 钱的魔力 instead of RE魔力, hehe.

第一重魔力:Passive income。啥意思?就是钱是耒找你的,或者说待在家里(或躺
样?Passive income真是个好东东哈。