30 Years 2.625%? 很多人都这样说,但是我有怀疑(TM)

来源: 2013-08-14 09:06:35 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
发信人: blueangel2 (California), 信区: CaliforniaMortgage
标  题: 每日利率 -- 5月13日
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 13 11:16:27 2013, 美东)

The rate is for refinance. No point, no closing cost, covers appraisal fee
and credit report fee.

Conforming Loan (Amount <= $417K)

5 ARM - 2.5%
7 ARM - 2.625%
15 Yr. Fixed - 2.625%
30 Yr. Fixed - 3.5%

High Balance (Amount >$417K & <= $625,500)

5 ARM - 2.75%
15 Yr. Fixed - 2.875%
30 Yr. Fixed - 3.625%

Single Family House - Owner Occupied
LTV <= 75%
FICO >= 740
30-day lock (case need to be simple and clean)
loan amount (Conforming ~ 400K, HB ~ 600K)
may need impound
may need citizenship/Green Card
LTV for 15 yr can be up to 80% (except for PF)