May Tomorrow be a Better Day....

来源: 2012-12-01 21:08:07 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Brothers and Sisters..

I would first like thank Sunshine MM and 怀梦 JJ for organizing this show. I really appreciate all of your hard work. Also, a shout out to all of you that supported this fund-raising project; you guys are awesome!

We are some of the lucky few; we have the luxury of health, freedom and wealth. Therefore, we often take our luxuries for granted and don’t take the time to think about others who are unsuccessful. yes everyone hears about poverty and the unfortunate, but rarely do they act upon helping prevent it.

This project shows we can organized to accomplish this goal, I’m happy to say that today, we are able to take the first step towards making the world a better place. 

To end this program, I’d like to share a poem with all of you.

The Hope of a Better Tomorrow

We sit in the midst hoping and waiting for a better tomorrow
Praying and thinking for whatever comes
Hope gives us the courage to strive
Hope makes us continue our lives
Hope gives us pride

Don't stop praying for hope
Live each day ecstatic
Live each day thankful
Live each day loving someone
Live each day loving yourself
Live each day calmly
Live each day as if it were your last
Live one day at a time

Open your hearts and minds so God can lead you
Let God help you
Let God love you

It's never to late to pray
Because we all look for hope

Alisha Ricks