请教在加州要不要交税 on ordinary dividends paid from US government

来源: 2024-03-04 14:42:22 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Oglibations? 从Schedule 540 CA 的 instructions上, 好像要为这些 ordinary dividends交税。但FTB publication1001上却说:“California does not tax dividends paid by a fund attributable to interest received from U.S. obligations or California state or municipal obligations IF at least 50% of the fund’s assets would be exempt from California tax when held by an individual“. 如果这儿有哪位通晓加州税收的专家能给我指点一下迷津,我在这儿感激不尽了。