还是上次找麻烦的房客 决定驱逐 求建议

来源: 2023-11-07 13:35:03 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

自从八月份搬进去 九月份房租晚付一周 说银行有问题不能deposit.

搬之前说水费已经转到她名下了,结果我们十月底十一月初收到两张水费单据, 我让她交费,她说要看看为什么水费那么高($93) 

期间又找毛病说厕所洗手池滴水。 我带老墨去看,几乎没怎么滴,老莫都很无语,但我还是给她换了新的$63 付给老墨$40。 说灶头不好用,老莫给调整了,告诉她再有问题再说,老莫说也许下次再坏需要换个新的,我也没意见。

然后十一月房租, 2号的时候告诉我需要等到9号,因为病了,没拿到上一个支票,我说好吧,到时候连水费一起交给我。 昨天又说银行又不能deposit her paycheck , 要到16 号交。 Goodmorning, I was just informing you I just received a notification from my bank there may be a delay in the deposit of my check being there was a week missed, the process time may be longer.  So just so we are in the clear let’s say it will be paid by the 16th. I can pay a late fee if I need too. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  Once again there may not be a delay but just in case there is we will say 16th

我想了又想,真的不能这样下去了。 我告诉她9号是我允许的最后一天,如果不交,就要驱逐。 她说“超过一个星期就驱逐?” 我说 “ All tenants paid before 3 rd, by 5th will pay delay fee , now I already agree 9 .  Also after 5th not pay usually eviction start . Also my two water bills didn’t pay .  ”  她说“I can’t pay until next week . I can either pay in full on the 16th or I'll see you in court" 

我决定无论怎样我都要驱逐程序了,因为1) 这才第三个月 她每个月都开始越拖越远 2) 连水费都不交 3) 动不动就要找问题 。 我现在和她说话很小心 怕被她抓把柄 4) 感觉她在逼我 如果这次我又软了 那下次还会做 。 

你们的意见呢 谢谢