
来源: 2023-06-29 16:04:41 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

前些日子请教大家,关于房客欠租,Move out或驱逐,bbs.wenxuecity.com/tzlc/1714771.html,现在跟大家报告一下后续进展,并请教!


房客欠租,5月份 2/3,6月份整个月。6月5日,给了3 Day Notice to Pay or Move out。 

6月13日,房客说愿意7月1日搬出,并分期付清Back Rent。

6月15日,跟房客商量说好6月22日搬出,第2天房客拒绝签Move out Agreement(里面包含有房客愿意分期付清BackRent的条款),但仍然答应6月22日搬出。


6月23日,房客的母亲(不在Lease Agreement上),打电话过来说,需要推到6月26日(周一),吵架无果,同意。周六、周日晚上两次去出租房查看,有Uhaul停在门口,确实有在搬家。



6月28日上午,又要求推延至傍晚,不同意,又是短信各种漫骂(略过),摆出一副破罐破摔的姿态:"you can file eviction, let judge pick the time (for move out)",然后说她“会搬完后,把钥匙放在厨房,再通知我”。

6月28日傍晚,转换策略,跟房客来软的,给她们买一些Pizza等食物,希望她可以今天给钥匙,然后在屋外车内等房客搬完东西。将近10点,房客说还有内个箱子的杂物搬不完(车子也装不进),要求再过一天才交钥匙,然后让我进屋查看。确实只剩一些杂物。我同意了,然后好言请房客签一份,"Move out & Release Form"(如图),意思就是“确认她搬走了”。(贴图不知道能不能成功,主要内容如下)

  1. MOVE-OUT. The Tenant agrees to vacate and move-out of the Leased Premises by June 28, 2023, unless already moved-out at the time of writing this Release. And deliver possession of the Leased Premises by returning the keys (and garage door opener) to Landlord.

Tenant affirmed XXX & XXX had already move out, there have not been and are not now any other persons residing at the Premises.

Landlord was authorized by Tenant to throw away any personal possessions left at the premises or property after the above said date of Move-out.

If the Tenant does not move out by the aforementioned date, the Tenant shall be in default of this Release, any and all claims, demands, liabilities, and causes of action shall remain in place.


Landlord will furnish Tenant an itemized statement indicating the amount of any security deposit received and the basis for its disposition within 21 days after delivery of possession. The security deposit will being applied first to any damage and cleaning and then to any unpaid balances (e.g. rent, utilities). This is in accordance with California state law Civil Code § 1950.5(g).

(当时,房客有问一句,她明天还要来搬东西,我们会不会真的把她的东西丢掉?我说不会。然后房客签字了。之后又要她签一个Move-out Check List,标明一些损坏的项目,她拒绝了。)

今天(6月29日)早上,房客又发来一大堆短信各种漫骂,说我是HARASSMENT, ILLEGAL, 非法逗留、不肯离开、强迫她签字等等,绝口不提“交钥匙、搬走余剩物口”。



1. 这种情况下,房客签了"Move out & Release Form",我算不算已经把房子拿回来了?

2. 房客没有交钥匙,(我有一套备用钥匙),我是否可以自由进入房子了?

3. 如果房客没有来把剩下的那些物品(总量大概4-5个塑料箱子),怎样处理最好?丢掉?通知房客?放18天?

4. 房客今天早上的这些短信,我要不要回复?澄清我只是delivered food & drink for them, politely waiting outside in the car, never forced her to sign paper etc.  如果不回复?会不会等于默认房客的指责?

5. 我是希望尽快开始清理、整修这个房子,因为得花大量的时间费用整修呢。这个房客连我的Stove都给卖掉了,里面就跟猪圈一样。
