转一个关于德州禁止中国公民购买 real property 的评论

来源: 2023-01-17 20:36:25 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

以下是copy-paste来的一个评论, 不代表本迷观点。期待法律砖家考证真伪。  本迷在美国近四十年,从来没有受到过种族歧视,也不相信可见的将来会体验到。


看到老中圈突然开始炒德州准备通过新法不让老中绿卡/H1B买房,俺又要笑尿了…… 又一次典型的没搞清状况的无(带)厘(节)头(奏)拉流(仇)量(恨)

法律上Real Property和老中爱买的房子Real Estate压根不回事:
“Real property” refers not only to the real estate and land you've purchased but it also includes any rights that are attached to that property. Real property is what gives you the right to own, lease, sell and use the property in any way you deem fit.

“Real estate” refers to the land and all of the manmade improvements attached to the land and the term real property refers additionally to the rights associated with the ownership such as use and possession.

我们普通人买的房子只能算Real Estate,不能算Real Property,因为只能做居住用途,不能拆了做成别的譬如瞭望塔,否则政府有权强制你拆了

但如果你买的是Real Property,譬如一大块农场,就不一样了,你依法拥有各种改造权利,譬如里面修个铁路,加个瞭望塔之类的,政府一般管不着。

“The legislature acted after a Chinese billionaire and former Chinese People’s Liberation Army general bought over 130,000 acres of land just miles from Laughlin Air Force base in Val Verde County, the largest air force pilot training base in the U.S.”

再对比一下,你美国人去中国军事基地附近买块大地(Real Property)看看啥后果
”By comparison, as an American, go try to buy land near a Chinese military base and see how it works out for you. It would never happen there and it shouldn't happen here.”
