Unvaccinated is 3 times more likely to be hospitalized in Israel

来源: 2021-10-27 18:59:54 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

This is exactly my point, see below. 


Remember that a lot of Israelis are vaccinated, around 80 percent of the adult population. That’s important. If everyone were vaccinated, then all hospitalized people would be vaccinated — and that obviously wouldn’t mean vaccination was useless. In real-life Israel, as of Aug. 15 — using Morris’s summary of official data — 301 fully vaccinated people had an illness severe enough to require hospitalization. They represented just 53 out of every million fully vaccinated Israelis. At the same time, 214 hospitalized people were not vaccinated. Those people made up a much bigger fraction of the smaller population of unvaccinated people: 164 out of every million. So an unvaccinated Israeli is about three times as likely to end up in the hospital as their vaccinated compatriot.