
来源: 2021-10-25 09:24:26 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

据维加斯probate court网站说他们不帮助公众。但是在我本地我知道probate court 有办公室专门帮助填表的。我们本地probate court还有专门的PDF告诉你probate的过程。所以你邻居的妈妈应该先去维加斯的probate court问一下,可能law library的librarian能够帮助她。如果获得不了帮助,起码问一下哪个律师接手。


The Probate Commissioner does not assist the public in filing or processing Probate Petitions in the District Court.  Individuals proceeding on their own are required to research the laws at the Clark County Law Library and obtain special forms from there or the forms library on this web-page.