请柠檬和有经验的给把关这个closing statement

来源: 2021-10-12 17:43:40 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

 有个房客三代在一个房子里住了四年。今年靠工伤死去亲人的赔赏金买了房子搬出去。感觉西裔的第二代比第一代难打交道很多。这个第二代是专业PM,好在我平时也是一切按规矩办事,四年相安无大事。可是他们搬走房子搞得很脏,我看在他们住了四年的份上也没打算跟他们争执清洁费。可是walk through 时,他们坚决不同意付任何damage,说不是他们搞坏的,还威胁任何扣任何押金就去法庭。你们看照片这是正常磨损吗?我不想搞得法庭去,但也不想让他们太嚣张。所以不想给他们一项一项Argue的机会, 就把total number减了50%。 请大家看看下面statement有漏洞吗?

Damages: total of items below is $ 960.00, conditional* reduced to $ 480.00

  1. Kitchen Floor damages -repair cost $720,
  2. Living room’s window glass broke, double glass panel, inside glass broken, repair cost:  $120.00
  3. For the smallest bedroom, damaged door jam repair cost: $30.00
  4. Replace the bedroom lock with an unauthorized keyed lock: $ 55.00
  5. Missing ceiling light cover in the laundry room - $35.00

conditional* means If any party decides to resolve any disagreement regarding this closing statement, the Landlord will eliminate the discounted charge, and will charge the original fees listed.

By redeeming this check, you, xxxx, certifies you agree with the terms of this final statement and have no further disagreement with the Landlord. The lease contract between you and the landlord has ended without dispute.