
来源: 2020-06-11 11:52:42 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

铛铛铛。民主党控制的Assembly今天强行通过ACA5. 现在法案要到Senate, 如果再通过, 就会给亚裔今后进入加大带来毁灭性的后果。现在民主党控制的Senate很可能要跳过Senate教育委员会的听证。紧急呼吁所有关心亚裔教育的人士马上打电话给下面Senate的rules committee 和education committee的议员, 强烈要求ACA5法案在education committee hold hearing.
Rules Committee:
Senator Toni Atkins:  (最为重要)

Senator Scott Wilk
Education Committee:
Senator Connie Leyva

Sample talking points:
My name is John Doe from San Francisco, representing Bay Area Asian American Association. We just heard that a bill named ACA5 just passed the assembly and is now headed towards the senate. As Asian Americans, we are strongly against this bill. We think this bill is discriminatory and will negatively impact Asian Americans’s equal education rights. We strongly urge the senate to hold a hearing at the Committee on Education so that our concerns can be heard.
Thank you!