史上最牛房客 ? 各位老大们(老朽, 薯爷, 柠檬, 等等)怎么办? 今天去送 3 天notice, 房客笑着开门, 然后给我发

来源: 2020-05-20 14:48:59 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
这个房客在过去的9个月一直缴租, 因为疫情4和5月没交, 而且每次给不同的原因。 要个payment plan也不给,最后的邮件说:6/6搬走, 6/9 go through and 6/10 去外地, 争取最后一天给我钱。我想这个没谱, 想用3 天notice给她一点压力,希望她能尽量付一些, 减少一些损失。而且她要早点搬出去, 我也可以尽快找其他房客。 结果今天给了她3 天notice后,给我发了个邮件如下。 
1。她一定会在evication execution 前搬走,就算她不给钱,evication hearing 也会取消, 她也不会有evication history , 对吗?
2。在这种情况下, 我还要不要file evication ? 意义何在?
3。为什么我给她3 天notice, 她不需要付租?
4。现在这种情况下, 怎么办?    
You have provided a 3 day notice to vacate and I have received it.  This will now be handled by the county court. This is the start of the eviction process. I will wait to be notified of the formal hearing in front of the judge to discuss this matter. I will be provided a day in court. 
I will wait to be served by the constable to vacate the home. Your notice is only a notification . Do not contact me or come to the home and invade my privacy unless you come with the police.
This will end communications between us. It is very unfortunate as I was trying to make arrangements to pay you. 
I hope that you understand that the notice you placed on the door does not give you the right to come to the house and do anything in three days.
Be safe and well