用田忌赛马的哲理 - tell your daughter to become MD instead :)

来源: 2020-02-17 09:11:27 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

您要是有和WASP, 和三哥, 在今后2-30年一拼高下的雄心, here is my blueprint:

1. Become Chinese Cumminity Center board of directors. 做CCC的金主。KMT外省挂的老人们在渐渐凋零。他们需要接棒人。 CCC是我们的基本盘 

2. 建立一个中华智库,来整合我们的话语权。甚至可以雇佣s轮子的lobbist and marketing department.  they do a good job. :) 世界上没有永远的仇恨,世界上有的是展新的利益

3. I will back my own politicians in the next 20 years. he/she does not need to be American Chinese. They just need to say/do what we want them to say/do, legally. :)