灵气-苗圃; 秦岚 殷桃

来源: TJKCB 2022-11-14 19:25:41 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (16616 bytes)
灵气-《武则天秘史》殷桃; 《穆桂英挂帅》苗圃; 秦岚《大唐女将樊梨花》  


1. 秦岚 cut《大唐女将樊梨花》第7-9集 


2.《穆桂英挂帅》 #罗晋#苗圃#张铁林#斯琴高娃


3.《武则天秘史》 又名:武媚娘传奇 主演:赵文瑄、殷桃、刘晓庆、斯琴高娃、唐国强、余少群、秦海璐、蒋林静、钟欣潼、刘佩琦

?剧情介绍: 唐太宗死后,武媚娘被打入感业寺被迫出家为尼,受尽凌辱。后因怀孕被高宗接进宫中。在一连串的宫廷斗争中,武媚娘亲手扼杀女儿嫁祸王皇后,击败宰相长孙无忌,终于成为皇后。她与高宗相互依存又爱恨交加。武则天以她卓越的政治才能逐渐掌握实权,直到垂帘听政。高宗死后,她孤军奋战,废黜太子,任用酷吏,血腥镇压,把大唐天下改变国号为武周帝国,成为空前绝后的一代女皇。此时武则天虽已君临天下,无奈渐入老境,无法排遣内心深处极端的孤独和空虚,整日纵情声色。同时又为皇位继承人处心积虑,最后不得不把武周天下拱手让给儿子,完成了她艰辛﹑离奇﹑辉煌而又痛苦的一生。




强势的人从小就是果敢的性格, 哪里什么软弱,

殷桃演王政君合适, 演武媚娘缺乏灵气--殷桃真不适合这个角色,熟悉,外型不行,不够美。冲着刘晓庆来看看。

本来武媚娘就没要做皇帝的念头 若不是这些妖言惑众 她也不会为自保而走上这条路。





'm so happy to see this tv-series. At least I am not the only one who know. Wu Zetian didn't practically become emperor Taizong's wife. I'd say that's why she was in rank 5 concubine for 12 years. She didn't ask for a promotion or anything. She just worked for the Emperor Taizong as a secretary. As a matter of fact she love emperor Taizong like her own father. She did love him and take care of him just like her dad. This is a reason why the Emperor kept her by his side. He considered her like his daughter as well. It might be difficult to believe that Emperor Gaozong was a talented ruler. He really was. Over 30 year within his reign, this can be proved how talented he was. The confusion happened cuz he let empress Wu be there at the parliament instead of him when he got sick. But who know most of government plan that launched. It's all created by emperor.

'After Tang III' - my interpretation - 'Wu will rule' the Tang Dynasty after the death of the 3rd Tang Dynasty Emperor Daozong, the son of 2nd Tang Dynasty Emperor Taizong (the best Emperor of China) who ruled for 23 years from 626AD - 649AD. Wu Mei Niang had married Emperor Taizong at 13 years old. Later on had married her step-son Emperor Daozong and at 26 years old become an Empress in 655AD. Later on the only Female Emperor of China.






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