哦?这俺就不清楚了。又查了下维基百科:The moose

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回答: 黄石公园:野生动物篇(上)依依我心2007-05-29 08:36:34

The moose (so named in North America, derived from Eastern Abenaki moz)[1] or elk (in Europe), Alces alces, is the largest member of the deer family Cervidae, distinguished from the others by the palmate antlers of its males.


所以,还是一样的喽? -依依我心- 给 依依我心 发送悄悄话 依依我心 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/29/2007 postreply 14:22:51

Wrong. Moose Chinese name is "4 not alike" -Lvtotravel- 给 Lvtotravel 发送悄悄话 (194 bytes) () 05/29/2007 postreply 14:28:10

字典、网站的解释确实有些confusion。不过Moose的中文名字 -夏季星空- 给 夏季星空 发送悄悄话 夏季星空 的博客首页 (18 bytes) () 05/29/2007 postreply 14:53:21
