T Mobile for Int'l travel is far better than other big names

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I used wi fi calling, my low cost carrier is Mint Mobile (it was acquired by T Mobile last year).  The rates were super cheap - like calling a landline in Paris was 0.06 a min, cell was 0.02,  London is ZERO, yes, 0 cost on any type.  Hong Kong is 0.01 a minute both land and cell...  etc etc

I loaded $10 in the account in 2022, and afrer multiple very long trips, still have over $6 left in the account.  哈哈

Of course the primse is, I rely on Wi Fi.  Without Wi Fi, it is useless.  But then it is more than sufficient for all our needs so no need for the major carriers' plans. 


疫情以前,T家在美国以外非常好用,上网速度也很快 -甜酒甜- 给 甜酒甜 发送悄悄话 甜酒甜 的博客首页 (122 bytes) () 03/08/2024 postreply 17:10:18
