Sous Vide 棒

来源: 2024-01-26 11:35:08 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Sous vide cookers used to be something you only saw on Top Chef, but they are now commonplace in many home kitchens. The best sous vide machines do a simple task: bring water to a set temperature and keep it there while circulating it. This method ensures food is cooked evenly and to the correct temperature. Even though you’ll need some gear to start using an immersion circulator, it is pretty easy once you become more familiar with the process–just like any cooking method. 

We gathered 16 immersion circulators to find our favorites by evaluating each model for ease of use, cooking performance, and temperature moderation efficiency. The best sous vide machines produced flavorful chicken breasts and were a breeze to set up and run for both novices and experienced chefs. Read on for why we love these excellent sous vide cookers.

Sous Vide 可以用在很多 cooking 有个朋友用来煮干鲍 我不犯懒时会用来煮肋排和义烧 (都要后期在小烤箱里上酱汁和上色)可以做到很 tender.  还有人用來做日式茶碗蒸。总之是五花八门 去搜 Sous vide 或者 水浴法 都能找到图文并茂一大堆。