老去吃喝玩乐 - huh, I dont talk about how much suffering

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does not mean I haven't suffered.

When we first came to this country, I went thru 5+ years on a 16hr day schedule - taking 12 hours a semester and holding a fulltime job, for 5 years. I only took a leave of absence of 3 months on the last Summer semester to finish my undergrad. Took 12hrs on the final 11wk summer semesters (I and II, 6 and 5 weeks respectively).

Dont even understand now how I have done it. My schedule was like this: left home around 7:30. worked between 8 to 4:30. drove to school to catch 5:30 class. 2 classes a night, everynight. usually got home around 10-11pm - first thing was to eat my late dinner, like a hungry wolf. I could fall asleep at traffic lights and during traffic jams on Houston's infamous US59 and I-45. (need to change freeway at least once to get to school).

During my first few years after graduation, the oil prices were down to low teens and lay-offs were left and right... it was comparable to the Silican Valley in 2001-2...

I just happen not to talk about such as it is of not much meaning - who-else hasn't had similar struggle when trying to establish in a new place?

As for travel and such, it is very individual - it takes a fortune to be able to do that type of trip exiula does, eventhough it is a very demanding one.

Me, being a very pragmatic person, prefer creature comfort than creature torture, and for the least amount of resources needed. Resources include many things, money, time, health, etc etc
