
来源: 2023-06-02 17:23:37 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

到了晚上,多伦多充满生机和活力,温哥华无法比拟。夏天去过 Ossington 或 College 或 Queen West 吗?OMG!与温哥华举办过的最好的城市夏季节日相比,多伦多平时周末晚上的活动、兴奋和热爱生活的人们更多。
温哥华是地球上最美丽的城市之一。它提供了很多东西,我很高兴住在这里,也很自豪来自这里,没有哪个地方能更好地融合自然和城市生活,但它确实是一个内向的城市,人们坚持自己的小部落或社交圈,任何行业中的一切都是有关卡。多伦多想要拥抱人们并包容他们;他们也比温哥华更重视工作文化和日常工作,但在晚上,他们知道如何放松。温哥华人可以整天在海滩上抽大麻、晚上 11 点前就睡了。

I've lived in both cities so I have a lot to say on this subject. Vancouver most of my life, Toronto for a year, then back to Vancouver. Still travel to Toronto often for work and to visit friends. They're not really comparable although many people compare them - they offer completely different things and cater to very different lifestyles. I'm happier in Vancouver personally because I'm a west coast human through and through - but Toronto is an incredible city. It has so much more energy, culture, just good vibes in general. It is amazing how you can explore the city for years and still find new things that are exciting or new every day. It has so many diverse neighborhoods just bustling with energy and life and secrets to be discovered. People are much more open and social, Torontonians want to include everyone in everything, even if they just met you. Vancouver people are cold, clicky, closed-off and quite anti-social in comparison. In Toronto when someone makes plans, they really mean it. Versus Vancouver where plans for anything are never really plans and can be dropped or even ghosted on a whim.

At night Toronto just bursts at the seams with life and vibrancy. Vancouver has nothing that compares in the slightest. Ever been on Ossington or College or Queen West in the summer? Good lord. An average Friday or Saturday night has more action, excitement and people loving life than even the best city summer festivals Vancouver has ever put on.

Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities on Earth. It has a lot to offer, I'm very happy to live here and proud to be from here, no place blends nature and urban living better, but it's really a city of introverts and people who stick to their own small tribe or social circle. Everything in any industry is gate-kept and made inaccessible by design. Toronto wants to embrace people and include them. They also value work culture and the daily grind a lot more than Vancouver which is the complete opposite. But at night they know how to get loose. Vancouverites get stoned on the beach all day and are in bed by 11pm.

Both incredible cities in an awesome country to live in, but couldn't be more different in terms of how people socialize and enjoy life, and what they value. Vancouver makes people fall in love instantly, then slowly often people fall out of love when they realize how lacking in personality it is. Toronto isn't nearly as pretty on the surface, but it's the girl you fall in love with for the rest of your life the more you get to know her.

These are all obviously generalizations but I stand by them. If you make the decision to give Toronto a try and you're the type of person who loves a real city, I promise you won't regret it.

PS: also please don't call it 'Van' nothing makes a real Vancouverite die inside more than hearing a transplant call the city this. It’s part of our weird introverted gate keepy culture but it's a real thing they(us) will judge you for even if they don't say anything about it.