Andalusia 之旅(2)﹣Cordoba

来源: gwendalin 2006-12-10 09:29:29 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1462 bytes)
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Cordoba 有兩個主要景點:

先上皇宮及其花園的照片吧。它建於13Century,花園的風格兼有 Christian and Arabic 兩家之長。

再上The Mezquita (the great mosque) 的照片。The Mezquita 建於9Centrury,但再13Century被Christian站領,Christian在里面健了Roman Catholic church.
The Mezquita 的內部裝式很有獨特之處,直得一看。

Cordoba 老街一景

Carmona village 's church

General Tips:

The Mezquita is very busy, best visit between 2pm and 4pm when the Spanish are having lunch.

The palace does not however open at lunch hour.

Cordoba is a very beautiful town can be reached by train easily. It is much nicer than bigger cities i.e. Granada, Seville.



很喜欢你这种帖子的写法,简单而不失必要的资讯 -DeepCreek- 给 DeepCreek 发送悄悄话 DeepCreek 的博客首页 (120 bytes) () 12/10/2006 postreply 09:51:44

Thank you! -gwendalin- 给 gwendalin 发送悄悄话 gwendalin 的博客首页 (122 bytes) () 12/10/2006 postreply 10:39:27

很美!信息也很很有用,存下了。一点小建议. -erdong- 给 erdong 发送悄悄话 erdong 的博客首页 (186 bytes) () 12/10/2006 postreply 11:16:56

Thank you for your comments. Will add on the tiltle next time. -gwendalin- 给 gwendalin 发送悄悄话 gwendalin 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/10/2006 postreply 11:29:35

我也非常喜欢Cordoba。那个Mezquita太神奇了。 -阿姗- 给 阿姗 发送悄悄话 阿姗 的博客首页 (1076 bytes) () 12/10/2006 postreply 13:51:37

love your blog -gwendalin- 给 gwendalin 发送悄悄话 gwendalin 的博客首页 (102 bytes) () 12/11/2006 postreply 03:53:05

LA行程决定了再说把。不知你要住多久呢。 -阿姗- 给 阿姗 发送悄悄话 阿姗 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/11/2006 postreply 12:35:08

这些天主教堂真是精美绝伦.谢谢分享 -冬梦- 给 冬梦 发送悄悄话 冬梦 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/11/2006 postreply 06:15:55



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