如何预防熊的攻击(Bear Attack) 下

来源: Backcountry 2017-05-22 06:38:10 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (15205 bytes)

如何区别black bear & grizzly 



不要以颜色来判断,因为无论黑熊还是grizzly, 都有黑色,棕色,和其它颜色。


Traveling in bear country, 如何避免sudden encounter? (这里主要注重grizzlies)


去backcountry hiking/camping 之前一定要了解当地的情况,譬如是不是bear country, 是黑熊还是grizzly的territory, 还是二者都有。应该详细阅读当地的regulation, follow 他们的recommendations. 预习一下如何避免,应付,急救和求生方法,mentally 有一个准备。  




夏天grizzlies 主要占据high elevations and meadows in the mountains. 特别需要观察open meadow 周边和森林的边缘部位(easy food easy cover)。如果你处的地方有berry patches,或发现地上有可疑的带有berry核的大堆粪便,那么必须特别小心,berries 是熊在夏天的最主要食物来源。如果你发现有几处或大片土地被刨开的现象,那是grizzlies 寻找bulbs 和其它根部植物所致。如果你看见倒地的树干被torn apart, 那是他们寻找蚂蚁等昆虫的结果。如果你发现树皮被扒掉, 或发现有熊毛挂在树干上,那是它到访的证据。


留意风向,尽量呆在上风口,尽量发出大的声响,让熊能在足够远的地方闻到你或听到你。在grizzly terrirory, 推荐使用大功率的喇叭。一般的bear bell 声音弱,传播距离短,效果不大。


Camping in Bear Country, 如何避免a predatory bear?(这里主要注重grizzlies)


最有效的避免方法是严格执行backcountry camping regulations, 煮食的地方应该离帐篷最短不少于100yards/100米的下风口;食物必须挂在距帐篷至少100米的下风口(按当地regulation 标准)。最好camp在能够用来逃生的树的附近,或宽阔没有熊用于遮掩隐藏的地方。必须分离食物和帐篷,进帐篷前彻底清洗食物,以及身上留下的任何气味,包括化妆洗涤用品。


不要在发现有bear poops, bear track的地方 camp,不要在bear觅食的地方camp, 不要在发现有残余食物或垃圾的地方过夜,不要在自己的帐篷里煮食,最好不要烧煮气味强烈的食物譬如鱼类。


Bear Spray


Bear pepper spray, 最有效的一种是含有capsaicin 成份的cayenne pepper spray. 但是它的效果不是100%,不能依靠它来作为抵御bear的唯一工具。有时候pepper spray的气味反而会吸引熊。所以应该特别小心不要在自己的身上或帐篷背包上被沾到。




首先,national parks or other sanctuaries 不允许携带枪支。其二,必须是一个非常有经验的枪手, the essential ability is to shoot fast, and shoot to kill, must be able to hit a rapidly charging, hurtling object。In order to stop a bear charge, the person expert with firearms should perhaps wait until a charging grizzly is from fifty to one hundred feet away or even closer. Only experts increase their margin of safety by considering shooting. At these distances a charging grizzly bear, not shot, will reach a person in one and a half to two seconds. 


If you feel that you must kill a grizzly bear in self-defense, then a good first shot is through the shoulder and into the body. This is aimed at breaking a shoulder blade and crippling the bear, thus slowing the charge. A second shot then can quickly be placed anywhere in the vital zone to kill the bear. Head and neck shot should not, as a rule, be attempted with a charging grizzly bear, because these targets are too small!


Popular shotgun choice such as a 12-gauge, short-barreled repeating shotgun with at least a five-shot capacity, 或者High-powered hunting rifles. Most experts agree that a .44 Magnum with 240-grain bullets has adequate close-range killing power in the hands of a well-practiced person who can handle its recoil.


如何play dead


熊的defensive attack during sudden encounter, 主要focus on人的头部和脸部。 Playing dead时,应该匍匐在地,脸朝下,两手交叉护住颈部,两脚分开保持平衡。这个姿势主要是保护人的重要器官。有时候熊会把人叼起来,或翻身,这时应该继续翻身直到匍匐位置。身上的背包可以起到保护背部的作用。尽量保持不动的姿势,也不要发出声音。




再次强调,只有在熊的攻击近在眼前,无可避免的情况下才play dead!






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