You shouldn't have any problem - having lived in Colorado

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I know I am fine and don't feel anything at 10,000 ft - can ski and hike at that altitude. That altitude is nothing to Tibet. Anything above and beyond I don't know.

When I went skiing Colorado, my friends always told me to plan my skiing portion after the business trip to allow my body to adjust to high altitude first.


all our lives we live on flatland, but 10K ft has no issue for u -Lvtotravel- 给 Lvtotravel 发送悄悄话 (421 bytes) () 10/04/2006 postreply 15:15:50

Altitude sickness usually happens above 13,000 feet -Iliketraveling- 给 Iliketraveling 发送悄悄话 (744 bytes) () 10/04/2006 postreply 15:31:45

我曾经一天之内从海拔负数的地方换到海拔3600米的雪线,也没觉得怎样 -金枪布道- 给 金枪布道 发送悄悄话 (256 bytes) () 10/04/2006 postreply 17:05:04

都说了有没有高原反应分人的 -Iliketraveling- 给 Iliketraveling 发送悄悄话 (28 bytes) () 10/04/2006 postreply 17:33:21

我比你感觉好, 作汽车过唐古拉山口没有任何反应, -onMove- 给 onMove 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/04/2006 postreply 19:07:36
