only suggestion - consider buying CDW if you use rental car

来源: lvtotravel 2006-07-23 16:21:33 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (458 bytes)
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search my post about what happened to us on our early Sept last year Yellowstone trip. We had hailstorm damages on our rental car.

Long story short, Mastercard paid $2282 repair damage, we paid $312 Loss of Revenues and Admin Fee after lots of stressful moments.

CDW costed $16 a day for our 5 days rental that we did not buy - did not think about the weather possibilities. Last year even late August there were several heavy snowfalls in YS.


多谢,我开自己的车 -Iliketraveling- 给 Iliketraveling 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/23/2006 postreply 16:28:42



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