where and how do you buy the intl flight with stopover in Hawaii

回答: 求助:夏威夷十月扶老携幼旅行计划kfby2013-08-01 08:16:47

the big islands is ranked the third among all islands there in terms of popular activity, so the preference shall be Oahu-Maui-big islands.
unless you enjoy the golf course, ther is no reason to spend that many days at big island. the volcano park has no surfur smells like in yellowstone, and i believe you can't even get close to the lava flow path like before as the road to there was damaged and closed. not much to see.
the smoky mountain drive is nothing compared to hawaii. but the road there is smooth, just the slopes. so drive slower and it will be fine.  the local tour is not necessarily better on this driving part.


旅行社定的国际段机票,必须从檀香山出入,只有 Delta 一家 -kfby- 给 kfby 发送悄悄话 (42 bytes) () 08/01/2013 postreply 10:46:39
