鬼节的那场橄榄球赛: Chargers vs. Titans

来源: 2010-11-12 07:06:43 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
今年圣地亚哥的 Chargers 战绩不佳, 但 Chargers 啦啦队的姑娘们在鬼节的盛装打扮,却是很好的一个看点。不信你看:

1. 花枝招展的Chargers啦啦队




5. 踢腿,还挺齐

6. 弯腰:

7. 抱抱:

8. 翻跟头:



11. Poison Ivy and Army Gal

12. Sexy Cat

13. Back of Sexy Cat

14. School Girl

15. Tinkerbell

16. Wilma Flintstone

17. Hula Girl

28. Back of Iron Girl

19. Crazy hair of the Racer

20. ?

21. Santa Baby?

22. Ladybug

23. The Chargers

24. Kris Brown kicks off

25. Darren Sproles gets pulled backwards

26. Titans defender shows a smile as he confronts Tolbert

27. Seyi Ajirotutu

28. Philip Rivers throwing

29. Rivers throws over the Titans defense

30. Ryan Mathews dragged to the ground

31. Eric Weddle drops down to catch the ball

32. Tolbert bowls over a Titans player

33. Mathews tries to run through the Titans defense

34. Hester celebrates a touchdown with Ryan Mathews

35. Chargers score!

36. Jared Cook getting hit out of bounds

37. Marc Mariani trying to get past a Chargers defender

38. Chris Johnson tackled by Weddle

39. Damian Williams dropping a pass

40. Jared Cook getting hit out of bounds

41. Damian Williams goes up for the pass

42. One on One

43. When players collide

44. Chris Johnson hurdles his own player as he heads towards the end zone

45. Damian Williams goes up for the catch over Quentin Jammer

46. Michael Griffin scores!

47. Dancing into the end zone

48. NFL的专业摄影师们:

49. 大镜头上还贴着备忘录呢:)

50. 又一个用长枪的:

最后 San Diego Chargers 以33比25赢了 Tennessee Titans。 俺是Chargers 的粉丝,看到自己的队赢了这一场,也算是没有白辛苦地上这一贴 :)