冬季的大峡谷-步行旅行者的天堂-纽约时报介绍 (图)

来源: StillH2ORunDeep 2009-12-02 07:23:59 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (16630 bytes)


适于徒步旅行-hike-夏天的温度可达120度F, 连8岁的孩子都可以安全下到大峡谷

虽然大峡谷象是沙漠,但它在冬季象是片绿洲, 一个平静的地方,没有夏季的人群
和交通堵塞。旅行者从South Kaibab trail向大峡谷南缘攀登。

大峡谷的 trail 大约10英里长

在South Kaibab trail的徒步旅行者. 这原是美洲土著去Indian Gardens的路径。


South Kaibab trail 的骡队。

乘坐骡子的游客经Bright Angel到大峡谷底部。要真正体验峡谷,你必须下到谷底。

从North Kaibab trailhead到Ribbon Falls

El Tovar旅馆,自1905年开始运作,是一个完美的徒步旅行者的休息处。

峡谷底部的Phantom Ranch,石头小屋及住宿场所。

旅游者在Phantom Ranch进晚餐

在Glen Canyon 大坝修建前,科罗拉多河水每天携带足够装满 25英里车皮的380,000
进入峡谷的探险队的成员科学家John Strong Newberry说:“据我们所知,地球表



Walking Into the Earth’s Heart: The Grand Canyon
November 29, 2009

GETTING THERE-[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 -[if !mso]> -[if gte mso 10]>  

We drove along Interstate 40 to Williams, Ariz., spent a night in the Grand Canyon Railway Hotel, left the car there and then took the Grand Canyon Railway (www.thetrain.com) to the canyon in the morning. The train leaves Williams once a day at 9:30 a.m.; the return train leaves at 3:30 p.m. daily. If that schedule doesn’t work for you, you can hire a taxi for the return trip, at around $120. A round-trip ticket on the train begins at $70 for an adult, $40 for a child.

The160;National Park Service’s Web site (www.nps.gov/grca) is very helpful in planning a visit, as is160;www.grandcanyonlodges.com.


El Tovar160;(888-297-2757;160;www.grandcanyonlodges.com) is the most atmospheric hotel around. Designed by Mary Colter, built right on the rim out of timber and stone and open since 1905, it shouldn’t be missed, provided the budget can stretch to it. A standard double room is currently $174.

Phantom Ranch160;(888-297-2757;160;www.grandcanyonlodges.com) is a magical collection of stone cabins and lodges built in the bottom of the canyon, also by Mary Colter. Dorm beds are about $42.

The160;Grand Canyon Railway Hotel160;(233 North Grand Canyon Boulevard, Williams, Ariz.; 800-843-8724;160;www.thetrain.com) is not quite the atmospheric old railway edifice I’d imagined, but this is a comfortable, modern hotel. Doubles start at $169.

Bright Angel Lodge160;(888-297-2757;160;www.grandcanyonlodges.com) is another old timber warren, built in 1935 and still full of charm. A standard room with bath is $90; a cabin on the canyon rim is $142.

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