
来源: fffafff 2008-03-22 11:14:02 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1318 bytes)

洛杉矶附近的HOLYWOOD,那里几乎汇集了来自全世界的美女,有做WAITRESS的,有无所事事梦想撞到星探的,比比皆是。如果这还不养眼,你的眼界太高了吧?温哥华街头美女比比皆是,尤其是亚裔美女。谈事要谈平均值,不然就没有啥意义。在洛杉矶,不是你能随便见到大明星,而是那些来自全世界作着明星梦的美女,的确如云啊!Canada is technology dessert!!!What kind of technology are in Vancouver?? 40% revenue is hospitality. The rest are healthcare. A little bit retail banking. It is totally a no-brainer city with a bunch of retirees, a bunch of ESL students, and a bunch of Chinese wives whose hu*****ands all went back to China. It is a place for the lazy and superficial people.there is no good job in Vancouver.If you have money and want to enjoy life, go to Vancouver. If you don't care about your social status and very satisfied with labor work, stay in Vancouer. If you have higher expectations in life, go to USA or China.If you are a man and a loser, stay in Vancouver,There are too many women in Vancouver. The men to women ratio is 5:1. Its neight Seattle has 7:1 ration and is well known as a Le*****ian city. Most excellent and well educated Canadian men moved to the USA or Europe for work. So if you are a man that no woman wants else where, you will find many depressed women in Vancouver. Good luck


没事儿找打贴。鉴定完毕 -北京西城区- 给 北京西城区 发送悄悄话 北京西城区 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/22/2008 postreply 11:53:58

不好,傻瓜才移民温哥华。 -杀菠萝夫- 给 杀菠萝夫 发送悄悄话 (50 bytes) () 03/22/2008 postreply 19:35:01



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