回复:可曾领略?超级组图:震撼的美 无尽的爱(序幕)

来源: 1300 2007-10-31 17:49:14 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3543 bytes)
Good articles, pictures, and songs. It's awesome and inspirational when twenty years ago I stood on the open wildness of this high plateau, with snow covered mountain rangs eched onto the bright blue sky. Now I'm seated in front of the computer and more thoughtful and contemplative or more realistic. I like to share some of my thought with you.
1. No doubt, for most of you that Xizhang is a medium for convey your yearning or message and icon for spiritual uplifting. Yes, anyone especially Westerners of developed countries (now Chinese urban metropolitans joining the rank), bored or alarmed by the consumerism, becoming nostalgic for pastoral past and yearning for pristine "Shangarila." However, in reality ask yourself can you live in Xizhang not as tourist but permanent residence? What will be your reaction when your parent or sibling decided to go on the pilgimage like some Tibetans doing? How far back the "pritine Shangarila" you yearn to go back? I concur with what some anthropogists'conjecture that !Kung bushman or Pygmies ways of hunter-gather is good for human and earth in the long run but human chosen "civilization" 10,000 years ago. At best now I think one can opt for Northern European's way but not Tibetan's way.
2. I felt that most of the articles relating to the experieces at Xizhang has a tint of complacency or even snubish like colonial British went to Safari century ago.
3. As Xizhang in world context, I like to emphasize following:
a) Most Westerner or liberal do-gooders championed democracy and yet admires Xizhang's theocracy. They look down leader not selected by vote, yet they kowtowing to the reicarnated "your holiness." Why? A quilt sense of their mistreating "aboriginal" "noble savages" in the past? And/or overwhelmed by the mysticism and obscurantism?
b) I attend a conference yeaes ago sponsored by quite estimed scientific group, MIT's Center for Brain Research. This group used to debat rigorous and scientifically but on that conference a special guest, Dalai Lama, gave a short lecture on brain's revelation of spirituality and heavenly knowledge. Naturallt, this short dictum does not refering to reason or methodology. Yet all the panelist, make no honest attempt to discuss let along debate the issue. All thanks for his highness for honoring the conference. I know Boston, together with Hollywood, are strong hold for Tibetan's Independence movement, but at a scientific conference it's weird. Tibetan mysticism and teachings of Dalai Lama are "in" and "fashionable" play for celebrities. But should not be on scientifical circle.
c) Even many years ago when Zhu's album "Ah ji Ku" released in US, many artist ganged with Tibetan Independence agitators denounced it's blasphemy and poluted Tibetan cultural. Yet all these artists viewed French or Chinese opposition of the spreading of Hollywood or US rock culture as absurdly nationalistic and backward-minded.
d) British and US championed the "self-determination" of Tibet yet in 1904 British expedition from India to Tibet had forced theTibetans to agree not to deal with any other power without British consent. And in early 1970s the AIM was crashed by US goverment w/o regard to civial liberty just like what's being done at Gutanamo currently.
e) Tibetan issue is a goot rally banner for anti-Chinese groups such as Falunkung, Ming-Yun, Dai-du, and anti-communist (that's is Chinese government) US congress. Any sentimental feeling toward Xizhnag can be exploited.


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