学王医生爬硅谷最高的山: Mission Peak

来源: 2007-09-30 09:12:01 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Mission Peak Regional Preserve: 绝对高度780米,相对高度750米, TRAIL 5.7MILE

Perhaps the denizens of this valley are so accustomed to the sight of Mission Peak that they fail to appreciate the dignity and individuality which it gives to the landscape. Whether the outlines, snow-capped may be, are sharp and distinct on a clear, frosty morning in winter, or overspread with the purple afterglow of a summer sunset; whether rising grim and rugged against black storm clouds, or emerging into sunlight from unwinding fog wreaths, the mountain has a majesty of its own. The rain torrents of winter have for ages beaten upon it, the scorching heat of summer suns has fallen upon it, but unmindful of the elements, of changes wrought by men, this grand old peak stands overlooking the entire valley, a giant sentinel forever on guard. - Stanford University Press

虽只有浅浅的一水相隔, 似乎南湾和东湾夏天或者是说旱季的山景却是迥异。从没想到去爬对岸远望去光秃秃的焦黄的“火焰山”, 得知是王医生风雨无阻每周必登的高峰, 也动了爬这山的念头。

没有一丝的云彩, 整个trail 也几乎没有树荫的遮蔽 . 在正午烈日的暴晒下, 登上了顶端! 风凉凉的, 颇有些高处不胜寒的感觉。。。 应该春天时再来, 或者是月夜里。。。



多么快乐的登顶记录啊! 可惜我忘了带笔 :)



每次看见橡树, 我就会想到托尔斯泰, 他的战争与和平。。。
zt: 那是一棵衰老的橡树,是一棵有两抱粗的大橡树.

山顶上见到了2 条蛇... :)


硅谷最高峰--Mission Peak  by  王医生

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