回复:回复:行万里路看世界: 耶路撒冷(Jerusalem)

来源: 行写好 2007-08-22 08:01:40 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (336 bytes)
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回答: 行万里路看世界: 耶路撒冷(Jerusalem)行写好2007-08-22 03:45:03
You are right on the location of Holy Sepulchre.
It is on the west side of not on the Mount Temple.
Thank you for pointing out.

Not sure about the name of Via Dolorosa:
whether it is a street name or not.
I think it is the name of that street,
which may be named after its historic meaning.

Thank you again.