
来源: 2015-11-16 19:45:04 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


这是刚从荷兰回来的荷兰裔加拿大人的见闻,说是根本呆不下去,那些难民要穿有牌子的衣服,吃要吃好的,不满意就闹,反正在民主国家,知道你不敢拿他们怎么样。原文:“Refugees are flooding into Holland and being very particular as to what they will "accept" as aid. They refuse clothing that doesn't have a known label and insist on top quality Halal food. If they don't get it they cause a fuss and say they are not being respected. One little town of 150 people had 700 refugees dumped on them, which is causing many problems. Rapes are rampant now in Holland due to testosterone loaded men with zero respect for women of any age. This is something we have not heard of on any North American news media”。


如果你在加拿大,希望政府改变接受难民政策,you can sign the petition: https://www.change.org/p/justin-trudeau-extend-resettlement-of-syrian-refugees