
来源: 2023-01-30 19:09:28 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


好像是伯克萊加大曾做的研究,世界各地的手語(sign language)者用各自獨立發展出來的手語,在幾個星期之内就能互相溝通。我相信這正是因為手語主要不依赖抽像概念,而靠直接比拟時空中的形像及其互動關係,從而更接近各語言的共同天然語法。
記得語言學家 Chomsky是認為存在某種共同天然語法的,不清楚他的理論是不是跟我想的一致?
先要解釋一下一個概念: 拓樸 (topology),通俗地說即形體是怎麽連通的,就是說,例如一個幾何形體被擠壓變形,衹要外部内部連通方式都没有改變,它的拓樸就没變。又如人站在哈哈鏡前,鏡裏的人體的幾何形态全變了,但拓樸没變。所以,一個拓樸對應無數個幾何(geometry)。
My argument is then straightforward:
1, A language is a mapping (projection, reflection, description etc, you pick the word you like) of our experiences in this world, physical or mental.
2, Our mental experiences are founded on our physical experiences, and further derived from which. 
3, Our physical experiences are carried out in the physical world.
4, The physical world manifests its events (ie. our experiences) in space and time. That is, the unfolding of our experiences is subject to the property of the basic structure of space-time. In other words, the topology 拓樸  of this space-time determines how a human language is internally structured.
Since we live in the same world, with the same human brain, there must be a set of basic grammar that is common among all human languages. 
5, Then why there are so many different languages? 
Because our geometries (幾何) (of our experiences) are different! 
These differences lie in the variety of world geography, our histories and many unpredictable random events that have been added to our experiences under the common space-time structure of the world.
6,  The algebraic (代數) expressions of the geometries are in turn demanded along the developments of the geometries. Algebra is more precise and detailed, but less adept at holding the overall view of its subjects. Geometry is in the opposite.
7, 由此思路看人類的智能: 所谓天才的智能和創造力,即可以透過一表面語言直達原始拓撲者。其必简洁,抛棄幾何的重複、代數的形式化或繪聲繪色而無實貭意義的演繹,使刻板的幾何圖形和代數概念的邊界消融,把事物本质的整一性和連通性揭示出來。這種品貭稀有,但可見於各行各業:文學的海子、陶潜、李白,武術的李小龍(如其自謂 "Function over form" ),繪畫的八大山人、梵高、杜米埃(Honore Daumier),音樂的貝多芬,不一而足。以貝多芬為例,他的第五(命運)交響曲的首樂章,僅靠四個音符作主綫,一路"拓樸"開去,简洁無比,却有歷久常新,永不下墜的生命力,正是因為它來自(音樂)語言最本貭、共通的地方。尼采年輕時崇拜瓦格納,後來全力反對,我猜測是因為他年輕時被瓦格納音樂輝煌的聲勢吸引,後來心智成熟了,才發現瓦格納音樂的輝煌是表面語言的演繹,并不像真正的貝多芬(吾之前的帖子中來指出,貝多芬的音樂直接來自意志)。