对真正想了解美国的人,这是一部值得关注的新书。“美国也有”确实是有体制的问题,书中令人惊讶的故事令人思索 受益

来源: 2022-05-13 18:09:45 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
“What’s the Matter with Delaware? is a clear, compelling narrative that addresses the corporate and financial laws in the small state of Delaware – laws, as well as court rulings, that have enormous influence on business decisions across our nation and affect all of us directly.  
Delaware corporate laws provide for the secrecy of beneficial ownership which has enabled bad actors to hide ill-gotten gains and assets and to facilitate worldwide criminal activity. These corporate laws have facilitated documented cases of money laundering, narcotics trafficking, human trafficking, embezzlement, bridery, and other heinous crimes?  

Who really benefits and who is adversely affected by Delaware corporate laws and Delaware’s pro-business environment? Who pays the price for the injustices? Read What's the Matter with Delaware? for the answers. ”


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