
来源: 黄金彪 2010-01-21 14:40:45 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (4924 bytes)
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Free the internet, says Hillary Clinton  

Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has called for greater freedom of speech online and said that internet companies, such as Google, should refuse to support “politically-motivated censorship”.Of course, it was never likely that she would come down in favour of politically-motivated censorship and against free speech. Furthermore, there was little in Mrs Clinton’s speech at the Newseum journalism museum in Washington DC to suggest any action would be taken against repressive regimes.She called on the Chinese authorities to investigate the alleged cyber-attacks on Google and warned that countries restricting access to online information risk “walling themselves off from the progress of the next century”.China is just one of the 12 “enemies of the internet” identified last year by press freedom campaigners Reporters Without Borders. The others are Saudi Arabia, Burma, Cuba, Egypt, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.Mrs Clinton singled out several of those countries, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia, for criticism in her speech, highlighting the growing censorship of the internet by repressive regimes.
Reporters Without Borders also placed several countries “under surveillance” for using draconian measures to control freedom of expression online. Those countries are Australia, Bahrain, Belarus, Eritrea, Malaysia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, The United Arab Emirates, Yemen and Zimbabwe.Fortunately in most of these countries methods for circumventing government censorship are widely know and many people use internet cafes to do so. Still, that’s far from an ideal situation.What can be done beyond calling on these countries to end their restriction of free speech? Perhaps Hillary Clinton could use America’s position as major trading partners with some of these countries to put pressure on their governments? Or, I suppose, she could just carry on delivering empty speeches.The internet in general, and the worldwide web in particular, were set up with noble aims about freedom of information and free speech. Inevitably, these principles are being thwarted by countries which have little respect for them – a situation which Hillary Clinton’s blandishments are unlikely to change.

1 - 贵网站无条件恢复我"维梁"博客的一切功能,包括向论坛发稿、回复、悄悄话等的一切功能。
 2 - 贵网站向自己文坛、爱坛、杂坛等处发简文,通告维梁博客的重新开通,如此则本人可以考虑不再公开追究和讨论此事。
 3 - 贵方整顿内部纪律,禁止在站内频繁和大规模使用WEB CENCORSHIP

否则,我们将就"维梁博客"因发表一篇谈论GOOGLE WEB CENCORSHIP事件的文章,和另一篇谈论6、4的文章后,立即遭受贵网站封杀ID和IP(所有用过的电脑)的不公对待的事件, 以及连同其他众多新旧网友们控诉你们:受中国国内资本和机构操控,在美国本土的华人媒体社区内大搞WEB CENCORSHIP、剥夺言论自由、剥夺信仰自由、信仰歧视、思想政治洗脑、网络恐怖、和专制意识心态输出等违宪违法行为,而采取一系列的正当行动。包括但不限于:
1 - 向美国国务卿希拉丽办公室投诉:  WEB CENCORSHIP不仅仅存在于中国本土,更在美国的华人社区内肆虐。
LINK: http://www.state.gov/secretary/
2 - 向美国国土防卫部投诉:  美国本土的WEB CENCORSHIP使华人无法享受到应有的人权和自由,这些都是本该在自由国度享有的神圣权利。
3 - 向美国国会人权委员会投诉:  有人正在外国势力的支持和操纵下,有系统、有组织、有计划和有目的地控制着生活在美国的讲华语人群的精神和思想,正在和已经剥夺了他们的基本权利:信仰自由、舆论自由和政治自由,使他们在自己的文化社区中生活在专制和恐怖之下。
4 - 在知情官员和议员的陪同下,向中国大使馆就此事递交抗议干涉美国内部事务。
5 - 促请召开议会讨论此一性质恶劣的事件。
6 - 恕不一一奉告




都上当了,推销自己的。大伙如法炮制呵。 -新主题- 给 新主题 发送悄悄话 新主题 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/21/2010 postreply 16:40:06



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