【Presbyterians and the Boxer Year in North China】

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Through Fire and Sword: Presbyterians and the Boxer Year in North China

G. Thompson Brown
The Journal of Presbyterian History (1997-)
Vol. 78, No. 3 (FALL 2000), pp. 193-206
Page Count: 14

Billy Graham Center


Records of the United States Home Council of Overseas Missionary Fellowship (China Inland Mission) - Collection 215

[Note: What follows is a description of the documents in this collection which are available for use at BGC Archives in Wheaton, Illinois, USA. The actual documents are not, in most cases, available online, only this description of them. Nor are they available for sale or rent. Most of boxes 1 through 6 has been microfilmed and the microfilm can be borrowed through interlibrary loan.]
In cases where an individual document (paper record, photo, audio recording, moving image recording, etc.) is online at the Archives’ Website, either the description of a specific item is underlined, or this symbol --  -- appears next to a general description to indicate that an item covered by that description is online. Clicking on the symbol or the underlining will link to the item. If there are two or more of these symbols --   -- that appear by a description, the number of symbols indicates the number of items covered by the description that are online, such as several different photos from a photo file.]

Since we are migrating our website to a new platform, we will no longer be updating this earlier version our site. Please visit our Archon database for online guide descriptions. In early 2018, look for our new site, currently under construction, linked in the BGC Archives section on the Library and Archives page. (12/11/2017)


Table of Contents

Brief Description of This Collection

Title Page and Restrictions

Historical Background of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship (China Inland Mission)

  1. Headquarters Locations
    Executive Officers
    Other Significant Officers
    James Hudson Taylor and the Founding of China Inland Mission
    Signifcant Events in the Mission's History
    Mission Emphasis
    Geographic Emphasis
    Other Significant Information


An Essay on the Contents of the Collection (Scope and Content)
  1. I. Papers of James Hudson Taylor I
    II. Directories
    III. Publications and Reports
    IV. Reference Material
    V. Conferences
    VI. Headquarters
    VII. U. S. Council
    1. a. Internal Administrative Records
      b. Relations with Other Home Councils
      c. Relations with China Headquarters, later International Headquarters
      d. North American Missionaries

    VIII. Canadian Council

List of the Contents of the Microfilm Edition of this Collection (Not all the Collection has been microfilmed.)

Associated Missions (until 1951)

Individuals for Whom There Are Personnel Cards or Post Council Questionnaires

Lists of Artifacts, Audio Tapes, Books, Films, Glass Negatives, Negatives, Oversize Materials, Photo Albums, Photographs, and Slides and Slides (Lantern) This Collection (Location Records)
  1. Audio Tapes
    Glass Negatives
    Oversize Materials
    Photo Albums
    Slides (Lantern)


List of the Contents of Boxes of Paper Records in This Collection (Container List)
  1. I. Papers of James Hudson Taylor I
    II. Directories
    III. Publications and Reports
    IV. Reference Material
    V. Conferences
    VI. Headquarters
    VII. U. S. Council
    VIII. Canadian Council




