Yoga 那点儿事!?

来源: 2015-08-14 08:08:28 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

俺瑜伽前是个从来不运动的人,整天坐那看书,屁股坐得同救生圈似的,都特么坐扁了。俺还是个购物狂人! 整天就是buy more!! 当时中午吃饭逛街买东西,下班接着逛接着买。最后是网上订的物件寄到家里,老子连盒子都懒得打开看了。这不是精神病是什么??!!




至于yoga的心得? 呵呵-呵呵


"99% Practice, 1% Theory."





"I believe that those of us who practice yoga have been sent to yoga by our pain. We embarked on this path because we had a hunch that there must be a better way. We have grown tired of our perfectionism, our unhappy relationships with our bodies, our inability to love completely or beloved completely, our endless resentments and sorrows, our sense that we could become greater than we are but that we are somehow blocked. Many of us have had considerable good fortune. We were blessed with the nice smile, the right education, the right opportunities. We may have loving partners, good work, healthy families. Yet we have found that arranging our externals is just the right way doesn't bring us the happiness we hoped it would. The resting place always seems to be just over the net hill. And we have grown tired."     - by Rolf Gates


小注: 有一小撮读者对老子自称"老子"表示不满!! 此"老子"非彼"老子"也。

老子装了一辈子淑女,老子不装了! 老子的贴子老子作主! 人生苦短,我要活出我自己~* :D