Response from Seattle

-Late July/August/Early September is a good time of the year to come.
-The last post gave you a pretty good list. I'd add to that list Mt Baker and San Juan Islands. There is an endless list of places to go, but it will take a very long essay to finish the list.
-In winter, weather is less reliable and many places in the Cascade are not accessible. The Cascade Mountain range is only less than 50 miles outside the city.
-Lived here over 10 years but still uncovering many new-never visited scenic places. It is one of the most scenic places on earth.
-And if you are willing to hike, you can see a lot more places including glaciers, same as those seen in Alaska.
-We are very blessed and proud to live in this heavenly place of ocean, sound, lakes, snow capped mountains (all year round), virgin forests, glaciers, waterfalls....


seattle/website -seattlite- 给 seattlite 发送悄悄话 (16 bytes) () 11/10/2004 postreply 13:27:43
