
来源: 2023-01-28 19:15:39 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
0. 自从离开国,年就不过是个象征了,不记得隆重过过年,在单位忽然被加拿大人问候新年好,还有不禁一怔的感觉。年纪大些了就越来越趋向返祖了。大概几年前我家那位到了过年就开始小折腾,具体折腾什么我也没太上心。农历年前某一日,从一个罐子里呼啦倒出一大堆1$硬币,WOW,这要早告诉我会不会时不时顺走几块?不会,我也没住在华人社区,没有用现金的习惯。然后又添50枚,做什么? 煮财水,这是TM什么鬼? 呸呸呸,不得带脏字,这是传统! 传统? 是你家传统还是我家传统,从小到大头一次听说,但见那一堆dollar里还有个金灿灿的小算盘, 这又算啥? 这是从台湾订购什么东西时一起发过来的, 到此我也大概猜出了8,9分,这传统是从台湾综艺上学来的,台湾节目中风水八卦什么的可多了。 你知道吗,这算盘寓意精打细算,我K,这个太需要了,你欠得就是这个,什么时候你能学会精打细算也算这香没白烧啊,还有哪,算盘旁边还有一只大毛笔,寓意大笔钱来;哈哈哈哈,我都被气笑了。 锅里煮着硬币,煮开后,叫风生水起,哪来的风?抽油烟机在转,抽出去风,叫风生。水烧开,冒着泡叫水起。我了个去……%%¥¥##*(*&%#, 然后还要端着滚开的硬币锅在屋里各处绕一圈,有病啊,什么有病,这叫财源滚滚;好吧,高兴就好!!!
蒸了一锅象Hello Kitty的小兔子,问一下北京朋友,是叫:兔爷儿? 还是兔儿爷?某天我做的肉夹馍。富贵花开:两个大土豆切的大花,搁油里炸透然后再浇ketchup熬的汁。每个白蘑菇坑里打一个鹌鹑蛋,形似金元宝,美其名曰:招财进宝。
都找到了吗? 下面图里有,兔爷儿或兔儿爷,肉夹馍,富贵花开,招财进宝,精打细算,大笔钱来,风生水起,财源滚滚
1. 今年也就是初一赶在周末,周末一过虽然年没过完,该干嘛还干嘛去,几张高调high key照片,对应标题里的高调二字



最近学歌太慢,没有新得可发了。然后翻出一首旧歌【Fairy Tale】,不到两年前唱的,早贴过,做个视频,无病呻吟一把,共同生活这么多年,不至于两看相厌,怕是互相打都打不散的,唱这种内容的歌不是无病呻吟是什么? 看看下面歌词就知到了。不知道这首歌名字的朋友,听这旋律耳朵都起茧了吧?我就不啰嗦这是哪首歌的旋律了。

Fale Tale

 Michael Learns to Rock

In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
You only looked at me and I was yours
But when I turned around you were nowhere to be seen
You had walked away and closed the door
When will I see you again
When will the sky start to rain
When will the stars start to shine
When will I know that you're mine
Did I ever meet you in the sunshine
And when we were both a thousand years away
Did I ever hold you in the moon light
Did we make every minute last another day
On a cold December night I gave my heart to you
And by the summer you were gone
Now as the days grow old and the stars will start to dim
All I have are memories and this song
When will I see you again
When will the sky start to rain
When will the stars start to shine
When will I know that you're mine
When will I see you again (again)
When will the sky start to rain (When will the sky...)
When will the stars start to shine
When will I know that you're mine
In that misty morning  I saw your smiling face.