【猜猜我是谁】小棉袄追问,老爸彻底抓狂 by 抓狂的老爸

来源: 2021-10-31 07:28:33 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

早晨5点钟,父女俩正在吃早饭,天还没亮小棉袄就想出去玩,爸爸开始试图循循善诱地教导,不料小棉袄滴水泼不进丝毫不为所动,生生地把一场父女的对话演变成了小棉袄对老爸的审讯,大老爷们儿在小萝莉追问下倒出了自己一大箩筐糗事,彻底抓狂了... ...




Sweet little girl's brutal interrogation of her dad!

G :  Papa can we play outside?

D:  No!!!! 恨

G: Why??? 什么

D: coz  it's 5 o'clock in the morning, it's too early.

G: Why?!

D: the sun hasn't come up yet. (mouth half filled)

G: Why?

D: becaus~(swallow)se... the sun comes up later

G: Y?

D: well, the earth goes around when it turns a certain amount,  sun shows on the horizon.

G: Y?

D: I don't know!!晕

G: Y~ai? Why don't you know Papa?

D: coz I didn't pay attention in school , ok, I didn't listenin' class.小声点

G: Y?

D: coz I was high all the time… I smoke too much pots.财迷

G: WHHHH~~Y? 得意

D: I ain.. I aint think it would matter.

G: Y?

D: I just figure my life will come to on its own, then I met your mom and you came along, so now I work at the muffler shop.

G: Y?

D: well, it's too late for me to pursue a career now since your mom has a job with benefit, I stay home I take care you, coz what I make,  it is pretty much a joke.

G: Y?

D: well the service economy replace manufacturing, there's no real job in America anymore.

G: Y?

D: we got good jobs for a while,  it's just we're lucky and now we're unlucky

G: Y?

D: it's just the way it goes.

G: Y?

D: coz God is dead, we're alone. 财迷

G: okay!! 鬼脸

D: 汗恨