Rolling in the Deep 是什么意思?

Rolling in the Deep 确是天籁之音. 现在网上有很多翻唱(中文也有), 不过都难及Adele原唱的十分之一的水准.  这首歌里有太多的比喻, 不同的人对其有不同的感受,理解和共鸣. 这大概也是它如此受欢迎的原因.

Rolling in the Deep 是什么意思呢? 有人认为它是描述内心感情世界的不平静. 有人认为它是一个航海的术语 (小船在巨浪中挣扎), 用来描述内心的痛苦. Adele后来在接受Rolling Stone 采访时说Rolling in the deep adaptation of a kind of slang, slur phrase in the UK called 'roll deep,' which means to have someone, always have someone that has your back, and you're never on your own, if you're ever in trouble you've always got someone who's going to come and help you fight it or whatever like that. And that's how I felt in the relationship that the record's about, especially 'Rolling in the Deep.' That's how I felt, you know, I thought that's what I was always going to have, and um, it ended up not being the case".Adele 其实是用Rolling in the Deep来描述随爱情而来的那种安全感. 所以”we could have it all, Rolling in the deep” 是用来描写Adele心中的完美爱情. 

看来安全感是女人对于爱情的终级追求.惊才绝艳如Adele也不能例外. Rolling in the DeepAdele失恋后花三小时写成的, 整首歌都弥漫着愤怒和报复的欲望! 所以有人在网上评论说:Adele is pissed!

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    我对她不感冒。歌曲悲悲切切的烦人。 -星星- 给 星星 发送悄悄话 星星 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/28/2012 postreply 13:45:35
