回复:will it pass?

来源: 画外人 2009-09-19 00:03:35 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1313 bytes)
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It will pass. Don't worry.

Since he has already rejected you and stated pretty firmly that nothing will ever happen between you two, there's really nothing you can do, but to cut it off.

You can fantasize about him all you want. However, if you don't want to make the already awkward situation even worse, if I were you, I'd try to hold my feelings and just tell him straightforwardly that you still have feelings for him, but you understand his boundaries and will respect that. I know it's easier to say than actually doing it, but at least you can still have a good friendship or coworker-ship going.

I personally will never root for office romance. I have seen so many cases. Believe me, it's not a wise thing to do, not to mention that you are married. I'm not trying to bring on a moral issue here, for it's not for me to judge, but do realize that there will most likely be prices to pay if you keep doing what you are doing right now.

From your post, I'm assuming that your marriage hasn't been too satisfying? Maybe, you are just trying to find from your co-worker what you have been missing in the marriage? If you still care about your marriage, I'd work on the marriage rather than on the guy you have crash on. Maybe, it's just lust after all~~~~~~~~


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