英语测试: Mordern World: Television 现代生活: 电视 (多项选择)

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Modern World: Television 现代生活:电视 (ZT)
  • 1. She __________ about four hours of TV every night.

    A television

  • 2. I don't want to watch the football. My favourite programme is on now. Can you __________?

    A football commentator

  • 3. We have about 200 channels but there's never anything good on. I just end up __________ all night.

    handheld controls for the television

  • 4. Pass me the __________. I need to turn the volume up and I don't want to move from the sofa.

    handheld control for the television

  • 5. People who spend their entire time sitting in front of the TV are called __________.

    A man sitting on the sofa with a pint of beer

  • 6. The Flintstones was always my son's favourite __________ on TV when he was a child. He still thinks it's funny now and he's 35!

    The Flintstones


1. watches
看电视,看表演都用 watch 这个词。 第三人称要用 watches.

2. turn it over
意思是换个电视频道 turn it over.

3. any of the above
上述三个短语都表示 在各频道之间换来换去地浏览式地看 quickly looking at different TV channels without stopping long enough to watch a programme.

4. remote control
遥控器就是 remote control.

5. couch potatoes
所谓 couch potatoes (沙发土豆)专指那些整天坐在沙发上看电视的人。

英语动画片就是 cartoon.

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