英语测试:Around the House 房子内外(多项选择)

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英语测试:Around the House 房子内外(多项选择) ZT

1. The trouble with living in a _________ is that we can hear the noisy neighbours through the walls on both sides of us.


  • 2. Which of the following would you probably find in the bedroom?

    A bed

  • 3. My boyfriend's dad's a builder so we're planning to ________ the flat ourselves.


  • 4. Where do people keep their clean clothes?

    Clothes on hangers

  • 5. Which of the following is NOT found on the floor?

    Some carpets for sale

  • 6. What do we call the money that you might borrow in order to buy a house?

    Houses for sale


    Answers to the questions(ZT)
    1. terraced house
    2. pillow
    3. do up
    4. In a wardrobe
    5. Wallpaper
    6. mortgage