德州一个city针对COVID-19的措施,包含州一级的Executive Order

来源: 2021-01-21 21:25:21 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:




1. 州长发布的强制口罩令是07-02-2020,看看数据就知道为什么从这天开始 (我捐了2千美元给医院买口罩,自己参与做了义工联系医院,买,送口罩,知道美国包括德州这几个月有多缺口罩,我们买到的口罩后来还送给了别的州,当然最困难的时候别的州的也有支援)

2. 3月24号

  • Gathering guideline of 10 people or less
  • Closed gyms, bars and movie theaters
  • Restaurants not allowed to offer dine-in

3. 3月31号

The protocols direct all Texans to minimize non-essential gatherings and in-person contact with people who are not in the same household. The Governor’s Executive Order renews and amends his previous order enforcing federal social distancing guidelines for COVID-19, including closing schools and instructing Texans to avoid eating or drinking at bars and restaurants. The protocols allow exceptions for essential activities and services based on the Department of Homeland Security’s guidelines on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce. Examples of these essential services include healthcare, grocery stores, banking and financial services, utilities, child care for essential service employees, and government services.

4. 4月17号

Effective Monday, April 20, State Parks will reopen. However, visitors must wear face masks, can’t gather in groups larger than 5, must maintain 6-foot social distance unless in same family group.

Effective Friday, April 24, all Texas retailers can operate with a "Retail-To-Go" model. Under this model, reopened establishments are required to deliver items to customer's cars, homes, or other locations to minimize contact. State guidelines to re-open retail businesses can be found here: dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/

5. 4月27号

Gov. Greg Abbott said today his statewide stay-at-home order will expire on Thursday, April 30 as scheduled, while Texas malls, stores, restaurants, movie theaters and restaurants may open Friday, May 1 with 25% occupancy. In shopping malls, food courts, play areas and interactive displays and settings must remain closed.

Outdoor sports such as golf and tennis may resume with no more than four participants in a match and they must observe social distancing guidelines. Museums and public libraries can reopen, again with the 25% capacity limitation. Businesses will be free to choose not to open.

从五月到六月底都是逐步开放的过程。新的更大的spike从6月26号的order 可以看出来。网友质疑为什么只把餐馆的限制放在50%?这个主要看六月底以后的spike是什么引起的。这个跟BLM有很大关系。聚众游行很多,BLM的游行是不是能够抓,能不能不允许?你们肯定都有答案。七月二号,这个spike开始不久就有了强制口罩令。

然后我们再说说美国的具体情况,华裔通常都有份不需要外出的工作,但是这个社会的各行各业,有很多需要外出,所以强制隔离到底能到什么时候?美国有多少人是 live by paycheck?,美国这个国情允不允许一直关闭所有的business?



1. LD把我放在商店门口,自己开车去别处办事,我忘了口罩,我打电话给他,让他再开回来,我好拿车上的口罩

2. 我一次在hobby lobby呆了较长的时间,一个人在一条lane,戴着口罩不舒服,取下来一会儿,店员路过,提醒我必须戴回去


1. 制定具体的政策真的要结合本地实际,看看上面第二个链接里各个郡不同的数据,就知道很多有关民生和business的决策不能一刀切。从联邦,到州,都有EO和guideline, 郡或者city,应该在这个基础上有灵活度。

2. 德州是重灾区,德州的大城市,越靠近downtown,疫情数据越糟糕,DFW, Dallas 这个city的数据最糟糕,但是它的应对疫情的措施和我举例的这个city没有什么区别,而且,这个city是最先隔离的。

3. 我在德州,严格隔离的时期是让人非常难以忍耐的,我是在家里呆的住人,不要说那些经常户外的老美。对于我来讲,长期隔离,长期关闭business不是办法。这些需要外出工作的人的生活问题也需要解决。

4. 口罩问题,不是你们想象的那样,不能人云亦云。