
来源: 2021-07-31 11:35:06 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:



 七月   是为爱而生的女子  


 一如盛开的晶莹的花朵   热烈芬芳     


于诗中   吟唱夏天的歌谣  


休憩在蓝色的水上   在江南    






为爱而生的女子   迈着曼妙的莲步  


在雨中  翩翩   从一阙姜夔的宋词 


抑或   一首白朴的元曲中走来   


嫣然摇曳兰舟   顺着烟波而下 






空气中的冷香   如一缕清风   


飞入文人墨客的诗句    给盛夏  


带来清芬的意象      借用细雨弹奏相思 


在时间之外  和夏天    


立下山盟海誓   要为爱情  







July is like a lady, born for love   

Beautiful flower are in full bloom, fragrant and sparkling 

They sing the songs of summer in poems   

Resting on the blue waters of JiangNan     

The beautiful scenery of JiangNan in Tang Poetry 


The lady walks gracefully with small steps in the rain 

Walking from a Song poem by Jiang Kui  

Or a Yuan poem by Bai Pu 

She rows a boat down the foggy waters  

Pursuing an enchanting dream of Luo Shen  


The cold fragrance smells like a fresh breeze    

Flying into poetry and literature 

And bringing fragrant images to the summer   

The lady plays music to express her love with drizzle 

Beyond time, with summer     

She makes a vow of love     

Writing ninety-nine rose-like love poems